Wag Club was founded in 2011 by Lucy, a Jack Russell of determinate character. Like many visionaries of our time - Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Lady Gaga...Lucy had a dream. She envisioned a home away from home; a clean and safe environment in Brooklyn where she could be showered with TLC, work out, “get her fur did", and sniff butts to her hearts content.
Lucy’s dream benefited those at the other end of the leash as well. She believed Wag Club could be a magical place for other humans to connect, share information and be involved in a special community that wants only the best for their loyal companions.
Lucy turned to her loving human, John, gave him a look loaded with .24 caliber cuteness, and the rest - as they say - is herstory.

Let’s be honest.
This place is just as much fun for the dogs as it is for the humans. We absolutely love dogs, some say borderline addiction. We apologize in advance for our "dog voices", or when we geek out about your dogs hairdo and forget that you are standing there...we really can't even help ourselves at this point. Most of us have dogs, cats or animals of our own. We know how we would want our loved ones taken care of, and we want the same for you. We invest all of our energy towards making sure your pet is given the best possible care, love and attention.
We’re not your average daycare.
Communication and transparency is very important to us. If there is something going on with your dog - good or bad - we want you to know. Heck, we want to know, too. We do not judge. We pride ourselves in getting to know your dog not only one-on-one, but in a room full of dogs. We pay attention to the small details. If something is off, we want to communicate that to you. Their safety and well being is our number one priority. We also want the humans to feel comfortable. We created a place where people are not afraid to ask questions, give us feedback or just tell us how your day went! An unpretentious, non judgmental, happy place - AND, it's full of dogs!
We only want the best for your dog.
We care for your dog as an individual with a unique personality, needs and drives. We will go above and beyond to make sure your dog has the most positive experience from the moment they walk in for the first time. Sometimes this may involve laying on the floor and getting down to their level, or letting you know that, hey - they don't really like daycare (it happens - some dogs can be introverts). We believe in quality not quantity. We aren't afraid to get our hands dirty - literally. If your dog has a poopy butt - we will clean it. Eye boogers - no problem. We want your dog to look and feel their best, always.